Attention Musicians: YouTube Symphony is back again and taking auditions. There are two ways to enter: submit a video audition, or a solo improvisation on a piece composed by Mason Bates for the orchestra. Winners chosen for the orchestra will perform at the Sydney Opera House under the direction of Michael Tilson Thomas, the orchestra’s artistic adviser, in 2011.
At the Amon: Here is a fine story that Gaile Robinson has written on the Amon Carter’s exhibition “American Modern: Abbott, Evans, Bourke-White.” Why didn’t I tell you about it yesterday, when it first appeared? Glad you asked: I’m irked that this wasn’t immediately apparent on the DMN’s home page yesterday morning, though yesterday night, I found it on the cover of the arts section.Wish arts stories were easier to find online there.
New reviews: Yesterday, we rounded up some reviews of WingSpan’s two one-act Edward Albee productions. And last week, we gathered reviews of 33 Variations at Theatre Three. Elaine Liner, in the Observer, takes on both today, with nothing but good things to say about the first and quite the opposite for the second.
Related: we’ve neglected to mention that This Week in the Arts has both an interview with Jessica May, one of the curators of the Amon Carter show AND an interview with Susan Sargeant, who directed the Albee plays.