WELCOME BACK, SHERLOCK: Theatre Three opened its 2010-11 season with Sherlock Holmes in The Crucifer of Blood. The play is an updated version of the 1978 Broadway play, itself an adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Sign of the Four. Still, the most present version of Holmes in people’s minds is Robert Downey Jr. from the 2008 film. So how does Chuck Huber, who plays the role at Theatre Three, stack up? “He nails Holmes’ traditional elegance and arrogance,” Lawson Taitte writes on dallasnews.com. “To those he adds a nervous, animal energy especially appropriate to a script that emphasizes the detective’s drug habit.” Lindsey Wilson of D‘s Front Row blog agreed with the strength of the performance. “Chuck Huber delivers a solid performance even without the famous deerstalker hat,” she writes. But she thought the whole coked up part was understated. “Instead of hopping him up with manic energy, the mixture seems almost to mellow him out, and any reference to the highly addictive drug disappears completely after the first encounter.” Judge for yourself through Sept. 5.
PUPPETRY IN MOTION: When Lake Simons was Jerome’s guest on Think a few weeks back, she talked about her fascination with puppetry. That study can now be seen on stage at Hip Pocket Theatre in Lowdown Wax, a piece she created that is set to the music of the Squirrel Nut Zippers. The show includes interpretations of 12 songs. “All of them are imaginative, and most are a hoot,” Mark Lowry writes on theaterjones.com. “Like her source material, Lake Simons maintains a charming and energetic sense of fun throughout the segments,” says Punch Shaw on dfw.com. Lowdown Wax runs through Aug. 22.
STORYCORPS, NOW IN 2D: If there’s two things we love around here at Art&Seek, it’s NPR and PBS. We literally wouldn’t be here without them. So it’s nice to see them working together. The two broadcasters have announced that they will team up to turn the StoryCorps radio series into animated television segments. The New York Times has more.