KERA’s B.J. Austin just returned from a briefing on proposed city budget cuts and sent along the following:
Cultural funding in next year’s city of Dallas budget is cut 17%. City Manager Mary Suhm, previewing the budget she will present to the City Council on Monday, says the cultural cuts are not as deep as expected.
Mary Suhm: “The Neighborhood Touring Program’s cut. There’s one other program cut. The cultural centers have basically maintained their hours. The Latino Cultural Center, the South Dallas Cultural Center, the Oak Cliff Center, which opens this week, Bath House – most of those have maintained their hours.”
Libraries and parks see deep cuts in the proposed budget – about 30%. Branch libraries will maintain their hours, but with fewer staff. The entire downtown library will only be open Thursday through Sunday. The first and second floors, essentially the downtown “branch library” will be open 40 hours a week. Recreation Centers will see their hours cut back. Park maintenance will also be cut back.