BRING YOUR EARBUDS, BUD: The Dallas Museum of Art broke some ground last year when it began producing multimedia tours of some of its exhibitions. The concept is simple actually – just bring your smartphone to the museum, punch up the DMA’s app and you’ll have access to the standard audio tour as well as videos and other goodies. The museum has just launched its companion tour for the Luc Tuymans exhibit. To watch a quick tutorial of how the tours work, click here.
THEATER BITS: Theatre Three’s Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage may be about cowboys and the Wild West, but it’s the women who rule the roost. ( … Runway Theatre’s resetting of Once Upon a Mattress to the 1920s proves to be an inspired move. (Critical Rant and Rave) … So which former world leader’s life story is making a more improbable jump to the stage: Bill Clinton (whose early years will be the subject of an opera) or Pope John Paul II (whose life is getting the musical treatment)?
OWN A PIECE OF THE KIMBELL: You may have heard about the Kimbell’s Renzo Piano designed expansion, set to break ground later this year. Well, someone’s got to pay for that. To that end, the Kimbell Art Foundation will issue $60.4 million in bonds. The sale should begin Thursday.
LOOTED IRAQI ART AND UNT: In May, Think TV interviewed UNT art history professor Nada Shabout about, among other things, the art looted from the Museum of Modern Art in Bagdhad. Now the NYTimes has interviewed her — because what’s left of the collection (some 200 of the 1,500 original works) are on display in “three dingy galleries of a formerly grand museum.” Restoring the collection goes on — despite government indifference.