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A Find on Flickr

by Stephen Becker 12 Jul 2010 12:54 PM

On Sunday afternoon, I attended a Flickr meetup at the Dallas Museum of Art. The conversation was pretty wide ranging but basically centered on the question: How can we all get more out of Flickr?


On Sunday afternoon, I attended a Flickr meetup at the Dallas Museum of Art. The conversation was pretty wide ranging but basically centered on the question: How can we all get more out of Flickr? And whenever we pointed out groups who are doing things right, one kept coming up over and over again – DFW Metro.

The group has more than 1,500 members and more than 33,000 items in its group pool. So they’ve obviously hit on something. And the more I poked around on the group’s page, the more I found to like.

My favorite feature is something called “Metromino” that is run through the discussion section. The concept couldn’t be simpler – someone posts a photo and then anyone is welcome to post a photo that somehow relates to the previous photo. So, for example, one recent string started with a picture of a runner, followed by a pic of a medal, then a soldier, then an American flag, then fireworks – you get the gist.

We’re looking to expand on the Art&Seek Flickr community – so far we’ve got 359 members in our group and more than 4,000 photos. We’re still awarding our Flickr Photo of the Week, and in the fall we’re planning to expand that to a Flickr Photo of the Month, voted on by visitors to Art&Seek. But we’d love to hear your suggestions as to how we can improve our Flickr group. Should we make assignments to our group members? Or is there another type of contest we should pursue? Feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]) or drop us a comment to this post with any suggestions. And in the meantime, keep submitting those photos.