FROM FORT WORTH TO NYC: By day, Fort Worth’s Richard Baratz works as an engraver with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. But by night, Baratz draws Broadway’s biggest starts for Sardi’s, the iconic New York theater hangout. He’s been doing it for 36 years, ever since he won a contest for the coveted position. “There isn’t a person on Broadway if you walked up Shubert Alley and you said who’s the caricaturist at Sardi’s, I don’t think there’s a person who doesn’t know who Richard is,” Baratz’s wife, Judy, tells
BIBLE BUILDUP: The idea of a National Bible Museum located in Dallas has been kicked around for a few years now; Jerome last wrote about it in March. And now The New York Times is on the case. The museum is the brainchild of Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby president Steve Green. Green has, “caught everyone’s attention because no one in recent memory has spent so much so quickly on Bibles,” Dr. Eric White of SMU’s Bridwell Library tells the paper. The location for the museum is still up in the air. The Times reports that an offer to buy a former Macy’s was rejected.
ETC.: The Tony’s were handed out Sunday night, and unless you’ve also starred in a movie, chances are you didn’t get one. But congratulations to Robert Kaplowitz, who claimed the award for best sound design of a musical for Fela! You’ll soon hear his work locally as he is designing the sound for Dallas Theater Center’s It’s a Bird … It’s a Plane … It’s Superman! … You’ll also soon hear Tim McGraw’s work locally again. (How’s that for a transition?) McGraw announced at his Center concert on Saturday that he is the final performer in the Super Bowl Concert Series. That means he’ll be back to play Cowboys Stadium on Sept. 10.