That’s right, today’s Art&Seek’s official second birthday.
We’ve been celebrating our new look all week long – and making a few tweaks under the hood. Still want to hear what you think of the site, so please don’t be shy. Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page.
To keep the party going, today, we’re giving away Art&Seek T-shirts.
These fashionable items were designed for us by artist Jon Flaming, who reinterpreted the Art&Seek logo and set it against a lovely brown background.
First three folks to email Anne at become the first three owners of the new Art&Seek shirt, fetchingly modeled here by Jerome Weeks.
Thank you for all your support in the last two years, your comments, your guest blog posts, your flickr photos, etc. Thanks too, to the more than 2400 arts groups and venues on the Art&Seek calendar. With your help, year 3 will bring even bigger things!
UPDATE: T-shirts are gone, but check back next week….
Anne Bothwell
Stephen Becker
Jerome Weeks
Therese Powell
Gila Espinoza
Nilufer Arsala