On Thursday, the mercury is supposed to hit 90 degrees for the first time. And you know what that means: summer is here.
KXT will capitalize on those warm nights when it begins its Barefoot at the Belmont series on Thursday. Bluesman Jason Eady opens for Austin’s The Trishas. Showtime is 7:30 and tickets are $20 ($10 for KXT members). Tickets to Thursday’s show are selling fast, but you can still buy one by visiting kxt.org. If there are any tickets left by showtime, they will be sold at the door.
The series continues each month through the summer. The rest of the schedule is:
June 3: Denton’s Seryn and Old 97’s frontman Rhett Miller
July 8: Doug Burr and Chicago singer-songwriter Joe Pug
Aug. 5: The O’s and Danny Barnes