STAY UP LATE WITH THE EDGARS: Just a reminder. The Mystery Writers of America’s Edgar Awards are tomorrow night in New York at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. And among the nominees are Bev Vincent of Woodlands, Texas, for best critical/biographical book for his Stephen King Illustrated Companion; Jeff Guinn of Fort Worth for best ‘fact crime’ for his history of Bonnie and Clyde, Go Down Together and Attica Locke of Houston for best first novel for Black Water Rising, which is also on the shortlist for the Orange Prize.
COME BACK, LITTLE LESLIE: TCU graduate Leslie Scott (class of ’04) returned to North Texas last night when her New York-based troupe, Bodyart performed at Bass Hall, courtesy of Performing Arts Fort Worth. Her choreography was so good, Manny Mendoza writes in the News, it didn’t need the multimedia additions.
REMEMBER THAT ONE? It’s a relief, I suppose, to see a corporate scandal on the front pages (Goldman Sachs) that isn’t connected directly to Texas businessmen. Well, OK, not exactly a relief, but you know. But just in case anyone is hoping people might forget about the last great corporate meltdown scandal — based in Texas — British playwright Lucy Prebble’s Enron opened last night on Broadway.
SO THERE: You may recall that last week, the LATimes mostly panned Jaap van Zweden’s debut with the LA Philharmonic (citing his “muscular, jerking, kinetic gestures” and his “loud and unwavering dynamics”). Yeah, but he and pianist Simon Trpceski got called back for encores, anyways. It turns out audience members weren’t the only ones impressed. Stacie Wheelock Adams at the DSO says van Zweden has been asked back for the Philharmonic’s 2010-11 season.