ROLL TAPE: The local theater companies seem to be constantly engaged in a battle of who can come up with the funniest videos to promote their upcoming shows. And I think we may have a new champ. Second Thought Theatre recently posted the above video for its current show, Lobster Alice. You’ll walk around the office today humming the song if you watch it. (Hat tip to Mark Lowry for FBing it.) And if you’ve been following the Theatre Three’s behind-the-scenes look at [title of show], Episode 4 and Episode 5 are now posted.
MUSIC BITS: If you’re a fan of experimental noise that may or may not be music, Tarrant County is the place for you. ( … The biggest trend in local music: calling it quits. Hendrick follows Odis and 100 Damned Guns in folding up its tent. ( … The Burning Hotels dish the dirt on each other ahead of their new album’s release next week. (
LLOYD WEBBER IN REVUE: If you’re type of person who would pop in the cast recording of The Phantom of the Opera and not feel like you’re missing anything by not seeing a guy in a mask singing, then The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber is for you. In the show, which is currently parked at the Music Hall at Fair Park, singers with Broadway credentials belt out the hits from the composer’s best-known shows. “Every performer in this show, from musician to singer, is in top form, nailing every cue and hitting every impossibly high or low note throughout the performance,” writes Carli Baylor in her review. Manny Mendoza isn’t quite as big a fan of Sir Andrew, but he was equally charmed by the performers. “There was no shortage of vocal might to deliver those workouts,” he writes in his review. The show’s in town through Sunday.
ONE OF THE PERKS OF THE PULITZER: Jennifer Higdon, the Fort Worth Symphony’s composer-in-residence and a newly-minted Pulitzer winner, gets profiled in The New York Times, which funnily enough, never mentions the Fort Worth connection.