The Dallas Museum of Art recently ran a contest for up-and-coming local musicians to submit a video, performing one song, for a shot at an opening performance on the main stage at the April 16 Late Nights event. The first round of winners were chosen, from numerous submissions, by the DMA. Those six finalists then had to face the test of Facebook and Twitter voting. According to DMA’s Head of Adult Programming and Multimedia Services, Stacey Lizotte, more than 50,000 votes were cast.
And the winners are: Anna Thomas (you may remember her from her recent Art&Seek studio tour), Every Other One and Summer Ames. You can view all the videos here.
The bands will perform on the main stage beginning at 8 p.m. on April 16. Be sure and get there early for a performance by Roger Boykin from 6-7. Also, make plans to stick around for the music of Collin Herring beginning at 10.