[flashvideo filename=rtmp://kera-flash.streamguys.us:80/jwplayer&id=video/artandseek/2010/100312_think_406_artandseek width=470 height=263 displayheight=263 image=wp-content/uploads/2010/03/chris_flemmons.jpg /]
Meet Chris Flemmons — the man behind NX35, the music “conferette” coming back to Denton this weekend. Flemmons got the idea for it while pushing the Denton music scene at Austin’s much larger, more established South by Southwest music-industry conference. Last year, NX35 garnered all of $200 in profits. But Flemmons is remarkably idealistic about this project — he’s doing it for Denton, for the music, for the downtown Courthouse Square area.
You can tell he’s tired — the festival actually opened full-blast Thursday night and he was at KERA’s studio Friday morning. But it’s plain that Flemmons is a decided change from the typical music promoter / producer: “One of the things we’ve always done is try to be very, very honest about where we’re coming from — that we’re new at this. We don’t want people to get the idea that we actually know what we’re doing.”