POETRY IN PRINT: You’ve heard the old adage, “those who can’t do, teach?” Well that’s not the case with University of North Texas creative writing professor Bruce Bond. His poem Blaze was published in the fall 2009 edition of The Southern Review. The journal receives about 15,000 entries and publishes just two percent. The Denton Record-Chronicle caught up with Bond to find out what sets his poetry apart.
RECENT THEATER REVIEWS: Theatre Three debuted its latest farce on Monday night, Alan Ayckbourn’s Bedroom Farce. Consider Lawson Taitte torn: “A lot of funny actors perform the eight roles, though sometimes it seems they’re in different plays,” he writes in his dallasnews.com review. … Meanwhile, Lawson and Alexandra Bonifield are split on Uptown Players’ Equus. Alexandra calls the sets “visually stunning” and calls the show “genuinely entertaining. Lawson, however, says, “much of the acting is way over the top.” … Mark Lowry’s got one major beef with Level Ground Arts’ musical spoof Cannibal!. “There’s one major element missing: Non-stop chuckles,” he writes in his theaterjones.com review.
PROGRAMMING NOTES: Think all the major Oscar races are wrapped up? That seems to be how a lot of critics feel. But more importantly, how does yours truly feel? Find out today at 1 when I join Fort Worth Star-Telegram Film Critic Chris Kelly and Dallas Morning News Movie Critic Chris Vognar on Think (90.1 FM – but you already knew that). Then later tonight, be sure to set those DVRs for Channel 13 at 10 p.m. That’s when the best documentary of 2009, The Eyes of Me, airs during Independent Lens. The film follows four students over the course of a year at the Texas School for the Blind and was made by Plano director Keith Maitland. It screened at both South by Southwest and the AFI Dallas International Film Festival. Watch a trailer and read my interview with Maitland here.