[flashvideo filename=rtmp://kera-flash.streamguys.us:80/jwplayer&id=video/artandseek/2009/091020_artandseek_artopening width=470 height=263 displayheight=263 image=wp-content/uploads/2009/10/art_opening.jpg /]
You didn’t manage to get to the Arts District Sunday? Recovering from the football game? Still stuck on the Green Line? Feeling left out?
Well, you can replicate the whole sunshine-y, people-happy, arts-splendid, overcrowded-parking experience of 45,000 people checking out the Sammons stage and the Winspear’s acoustics. Just get a lot of co-workers to squeeze into your cubicle (better still, have them line up to get in), and run this video.
Then walk around a lot, feel the warm-friendly vibe, come back and run Cindy’s video.