GET A MOVE ON: The local dance season is officially on, as A&S guest blogger Danielle Georgiou noted in a post yesterday. To help rev your engines for all things movement, take a look at Texas Dance Theatre’s YouTube page. Artistic Director Wil McKnight has posted a cool highlights package of last weekend’s season (and company) debut. Meanwhile, Texas Ballet Theater kicks off its season this weekend with the first of its performances dedicated to the Russian Masters. Chris Shull of spoke with Artistic Director Ben Stevenson about why he loves the Soviet repertoire.
SOUL TALK: Dallas soul singer N’Dambi will release her fourth album, Pink Elephant, on Tuesday. That might not sound like that big of a deal, until you consider that it will be her first released on the legendary Stax Records. When you’re putting out an album on the label of Otis Redding and the Staple Singers, you had better bring your A game. N’Dambi spoke about how she got hooked up with the label and many other topics with Hunter Hauk over at for the cover story of this week’s print edition.
STATE OF THE ARTS: So what do your Texas officials think about the arts’ place in state business? Comptroller Susan Combs has recently penned a column for the Texas Commission on the Arts Web site extolling the arts’ potential as a revenue driver. Most of her piece is pretty standard cheerleader stuff, but it is interesting that she notes, “Most companies place a high priority on moving their employees to cities that satisfy current employees and attract creative and skilled new hires.” With the Arts District reaching fully functioning status this month, it will be interesting to see how the city and state works that into its pitches to lure companies to relocate here.