Gallery Walk, Ft. Worth: For the first time in 10 years, Dan Blagg will show his own work at his gallery, Artspace 111 . His new series of paintings, Letters from the Boneyard, were inspired by the junyard where old signs from Las Vegas go to die. On DFW.Com, Gaile Robinson says it’ll be a highlight of Saturday’s gallery walk. She also reveals that one of the city’s better known painters also keeps himself busy supporting up-and-comers and the Ft. Worth arts scene.
Gallery Walk, Dallas: A while back, Jerome introduced KERA listeners to Richardson artist Jon Flaming. Now, you have a chance to see 10 years of Flaming’s work. Just one of many shows to check out during Dallas’ gallery walk. And one more reason I may have picked the wrong weekend to go to Austin.
Goin’ for a Ride: DART Green Line celebrates its own sort of opening Saturday. Guest blogger Alex Knesnik took the tour earlier this month and offers a handy guide to the art at each of the stops.