CADD CLOSES: A year ago, CADD tried to punch up the gallery scene in downtown Dallas by opening its Art Lab. The narrow space seemed just the right size, and its loft in the back offered the versatility of multiple mini-venues within it. So it’s a bummer to hear that CADD is closing the space this week. has more analysis on the grand idea that didn’t quite pan out.
BLAME THE PLAY: Theatre Three continued its great tradition of opening shows on Monday night this week with Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks down in its Theatre Too space. The two-actor show centers on a woman in her 60s receiving dance lessons from a former Broadway player. Reviewing for, Lawson Taitte had mostly nice things to say about actors Elly Lindsay and Bob Hess. But it’s Richard Alfieri’s play he’s not so hot for. “It’s up to the actors, perhaps with some help from director Terry Dobson, to clothe these wooden characters with whatever life they can muster,” he writes. In the Dallas Voice, Arnold Wayne Jones interviews director Dobson and lead actor Hess about the play’s take on older gay men and how “invisible” they become to much of the gay community.
ART ON THE ROAD: Art made in the studio is all well and good. But if the piece can’t easily be moved for all to see, then its impact is, shall we say, lessened? That’s the dilemma James Michael Starr says he often faces with his sculptures made of found objects. He writes about the ordeal behind transporting them to galleries in Austin and Houston in a recent post on