Let’s go all-music today, shall we?
SLAVENS LIVE: THE VIDEO: If you’ve spent much time on Art&Seek, you know that Paul Slavens is one of our good buddies. Not only do we host the live chat for his 90.1 at Night show on Sundays, but he also produces the Track by Track podcast for us. If you’ve only heard Paul talk about music, you’ll get a kick out of hearing him play some in this video of his Chameleon Chamber Group. The group recently took part in DC9 at Night’s cool DC9 in Space performances series. Other recent participants include Smile Smile and Sarah Jaffe.
A NEW VENUE IN TOWN: Pegasusnews.com has the details on The Project House, a new music venue in Dallas that is taking an old-school approach. The room is located inside The Absolute Space recording studio, and the idea is to create a place where musicians will want to hang out, jam and collaborate. From there, the club’s founders hope word of mouth will bring listeners in.
FROM THE ASHES OF SORTA: It’s been nearly two years since Carter Albrecht’s death, and his former bandmates from Sorta are starting to find their musical ways. Danny Balis, who has moved on to play in the King Bucks, will release his debut solo album, Too Much Living, on September 1. And Trey Johnson‘s debut, Mount Pelee, is out today. Mario Tarradell says, “The CD is somber, jubilant, stark and rich. It becomes more compelling with each listen,” in his dallasnews.com review. The album also features backing music from Shibboleth, who plays the background to the daily Art&Seek calendar that airs on KERA.