EAT FOR A GOOD CAUSE: On Saturday, you’ve got a chance to help out the Asian Film Festival of Dallas, and all you have to do is open your mouth. Natsumi Gelato+Frozen Yogurt will donate a portion of its sales between 11:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. to the festival to celebrate the store’s first anniversary. To mark the occasion, they’ll also have finger foods from Soley! restaurant and a special array of Asian and other exotic flavors in addition to their regular flavors. AFFD will be on hand for prize giveaways for a few lucky customers, including screening vouchers for customers with taste buds good enough guess the identity of a special “Mystery” flavor of gelato that Natsumi owner Natalie Nguyen will be selling that day. This year’s AFFD runs July 17-23.
THE REVIEWS ARE IN: Earlier this week, we passed along a link to a Q&A with Burleson’s Kelly Clarkson, in which she discusses her new album. And now it appears that said album isn’t getting much love from our local afficionados. Mario Tarradell from the DMN gives it a C+, saying, “The Burleson native even co-wrote a handful of songs. But the effort smacks of Clarkson making nice-nice with the industry honchos and opting for radio ubiquity over artistic integrity.” Meanwhile, Preston Jones at says, “Bouncy, crowd-pleasing melodies, moments of startling power and funky defiance all play to the Fort Worth-born pop star’s strengths, those of a genuine talent that is all but buried beneath Auto-Tune and Photoshop effects.”
TUESDAY’S WHENEVER YOU WANT THEM: The Modern Blog from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth passes along a reminder that if you missed any of their Tuesday Evenings lecture series, you can catch up via podcast. The series brings in artists, scholars and critics to discuss work in the museum. Walid Raad, Jeff Elrod and Michael Smith have already participated this year and are available for download.