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R.I.P. Craft Magazine

by Lydia Regalado 12 Feb 2009 10:37 AM

Amy Sedaris graces the last issue of Craft magazine. Guest blogger Lydia Regalado is an arts educator, crafter and blogger who writes about people who gather to make things. Some depressing news came out this week that affects the DIY community: O’Reilly Media announced that it will no longer publish Craft magazine. While O’Reilly Media […]


Amy Sedaris graces the last issue of Craft magazine.

Guest blogger Lydia Regalado is an arts educator, crafter and blogger who writes about people who gather to make things.

Some depressing news came out this week that affects the DIY community: O’Reilly Media announced that it will no longer publish Craft magazine. While O’Reilly Media is pulling Craft from newsstands, it will focus on growing its original DIY publication, Make, and growing the companion Web site to Craft,

We’re going online exclusively with Craft because that’s where we can best reach and serve our audience…We will focus on bringing you more craft projects, just as the print magazine did but we’ll be able to do so with greater frequency. We want Craft online to be visually appealing and easily accessible; we want it to be fun but also useful,” the company said in a statement.

Other inspirational home, lifestyle, and DIY magazines that have folded the past two months include Domino, O at Home and Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion. A common statement to devoted readers from the editors states that due to tough economic times, advertising dollars and interest are no longer there to sustain these specialty publications. This is the third DIY publication that I read religiously that is folding due to a decline in advertising dollars, and I am already feeling nostalgic. From the way they smell, to the way the light glistens on the glossy color pages, there is something appealing about magazines. There is nothing like the exciting rush of carrying a new magazine from the mail or newsstands.  While a computer is cumbersome to carry around, the temptation to lose focus and surf is a curse, and there are no pages of inspiration to tear out or dog ear; thankfully, there are great Web sites and blogs to gather inspiration and ideas from, for now.