FREE TRIP TO LONDON: Are you headed out to London to catch Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Music Director Miguel Harth-Bedoya‘s debut with the English National Opera? Us neither. But there’s good news. will broadcast Harth-Bedoya leading the ENO’s production of Puccini’s La boheme at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. An extra-cool feature of the site is that the viewer can toggle between the traditional audience view and a behind-the-scenes backstage feed.
THE BRANDEIS AFTERMATH: The media is starting to pick a little more deeply at Brandeis University’s Jan. 26 decision to close its Rose Art Museum and sell off the collection, appraised at $350 million. The Wall Street Journal wonders if donors will be less likely to give to the school if they think the objects they donate might be flipped for cash. The Boston Globe reports that the museum’s staff was never consulted about the possible shuttering. In fact, its director, Michael Rush, posted a note on the museum’s Web site saying, “We were informed one hour before the press release went out.” Meanwhile, the cheerily titled Obit Magazine wonders aloud if a cultural institution can be born, can it also die? (The answer, as we’ve recently found out, is yes.)