SING, SING SING: Some of North Texas’ better-known recording artists have new albums on the horizon. Burleson’s Kelly Clarkson releases All I Ever Wanted on March 10. And Fort Worth resident Pat Green debuts What I’m For today. caught up with Green, who says the difference between this album and his previous efforts is preperation.
“This time around, I was very organized — I guess that’s just me growing up a little bit,” Green says.
If you are looking for a hint of what the disc might sound like, think Keith Urban and you’ll probably be in the ballpark. At least that’s what Green tells the site he was searching for.
“When I was deciding [on producers], I said I’d really like to get with the guy that’s making Keith Urban’s records, but I didn’t know who that guy was. [I] found it was Dann Huff and was like, ‘Duh, no wonder’ — he’s such an incredibly talented, accomplished human being.”
Click here to listen to some clips.
COMING (SORT OF) SOON TO THE DMA: The first major U.S. retrospective of Belgian artist Luc Tuymans’ work will make a stop at the Dallas Museum of Art from June 6 to Sept. 6. 2010. The exhibit will debut this fall at the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus, Ohio, before moving on to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and then Dallas, according to
YOUR DANCING DEBUT: Think you’ve got the moves to dance with the Martha Graham Dance Company? (I realize that’s a silly question for most of you, but I know we’ve got some real, live dancers out there who read this blog.) Well, the company wants you to give it a shot by posting a short video for its “Clytemnestra ReMash Challenge.” All you have to do is go here and pick a character from the choreographer’s Clytemnestra to reimagine for a four-minute scene. The winning footage will debut when the company’s New York season kicks off in May. You can read more about the contest here. Good luck, should you decide to enter, and by all means, send us the YouTube link.