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Flickr Photo of the Week

by Stephen Becker 21 Jan 2009 10:08 AM

Congratulations to Shawn O’Connell, the winner of our Flickr Photo of the Week contest! We profiled Shawn in December for the Art&Seek Q&A, and just about every week he submits a photo that has us in awe. Shawn joins last week’s winner, Jacob Rasmussen, and Sam Brown as a two-time winner. Shawn previously won the […]


Congratulations to Shawn O’Connell, the winner of our Flickr Photo of the Week contest! We profiled Shawn in December for the Art&Seek Q&A, and just about every week he submits a photo that has us in awe. Shawn joins last week’s winner, Jacob Rasmussen, and Sam Brown as a two-time winner. Shawn previously won the contest with this photo of the Lena Pope Chapel in Fort Worth.

If you would like to participate, all you need to do is upload your photo to to our Flickr group page. It’s fine to submit a photo you took previous to the current week, but we are hoping that the contest will inspire you to go out and shoot something fantastic this week to share with Art&Seek users. If the picture you take involves another facet of the arts, even better. The contest week will run from Monday to Sunday, and the Art&Seek staff will pick a winner on Monday afternoon. We’ll notify the winner through FlickrMail (so be sure to check those inboxes) and ask you to fill out a short survey to tell us a little more about yourself and the photo you took. We’ll post the winners’ photo on Wednesday.

Now, here’s more from Shawn:

Shawn O’Connell
Title of photo: Restored
Equipment: Nikon d90 with nikkor fisheye 10.5 mm .008 sec exposure(1/125) f/5.6
Tell us more about your photo: This photograph was taken at the Historic Texas & Pacific Main Waiting Room (Fort Worth T&P Station) in downtown Fort Worth. I am just starting to learn the finer points of High Dynamic Range (HDR) with Photoshop and Photomatix and have been pleased with the results that I have been getting. The architecture of the building is truly incredible in person. It has amazing lighting in the afternoon. This photograph was taken around 3p.m.