A T-shirt sold by 1919 Hemphill
Guest blogger Lydia Regalado is an arts educator, crafter and blogger who writes about people who gather to make things.
Al Rios posted a challenge and invitation on the 1919 Hemphill Web site. The non-profit not-for-profit, all volunteer artist collective warehouse space is in need of some TLC and as a result has issued an invitation to its monthly meeting tonight at 6 p.m. Rios’ calls for “NEW BLOOD” to become involved and bring new ideas to revive this innovative, creative space.
“We need ideas, and we need action. We need people willing to spend time making 1919 fun and hospitable. We need groups to make 1919 their home to bring variety and possibilities. We need people willing to make repairs to a slowly deteriorating building. We need musicians, revolutionaries, cleaners, organizers, artists, teachers, learners, punks, old farts, young whippersnappers and dreamers to make 1919 as great as it can be.”
1919 Hemphill is passionate about DIY culture in Fort Worth. If you are interested in making a difference, come out this evening and see what it’s all about. See you there!