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The Good and the Bad About Reading

by Jerome Weeks 12 Jan 2009 9:40 AM

In 2008, more adult Americans were reading fiction (novels, poems, short stories, plays) than were the year previously — it’s the first time since 1982 that the number hasn’t gone down, says an NEA report. On the other hand, most Canadians can’t name a single Canadian author, living or dead. But then … can most […]


  • In 2008, more adult Americans were reading fiction (novels, poems, short stories, plays) than were the year previously — it’s the first time since 1982 that the number hasn’t gone down, says an NEA report.
  • On the other hand, most Canadians can’t name a single Canadian author, living or dead. But then … can most Americans name a Canadian author, either? (Mordechai Richler, Robertson Davies, Margaret Atwood, Farley Mowat … I’m running out here.)