Guest blogger Lydia Regalado is an arts educator, crafter and blogger who writes about people who gather to make things.
Tonight’s the night! I’m meeting with my crafty friends to create the string lamps that appear on the cover of the latest issue of Ready Made magazine. It’s part paper-mache, part determination. We’ll see how they come out. . .
There are several DIY publications out there to inspire innovation and creativity in your everyday life. Here are a few of my favorites:
Ready Made magazine is a DIY lifestyle magazine, living up to it’s tagline “instructions for everyday life.” Published bi-monthly, there is something for everyone – art, books, music, interior design, instructions for DIY projects that are rated by skill level with an evolutionary skill chart: monkey to craftsman.
Other favorites include two quarterly magazines, Craft and Make, published O’Riely Media. Although similar in concept, these publications are more project based. Craft is primarily for the reader interested in more “traditional” crafts: knitting, sewing, metalsmithing and woodworking, while Make is geared toward the technologically savy: those that build robots, tinker with computers and electronics. These publications are also behind the Maker Faire, which Art&Seek visited last fall.
These are just a few of my favorites. Make, Craft and Ready Made can be found at larger bookstores and Urban Outfitters. Go get yours today and make something!