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Art Conspirator: VET

by Betsy Lewis 2 Dec 2008 2:26 PM

Self-portrait by VET At 6:30 pm on December 6th – that’s Saturday night to you and me – the merriment of Art Conspiracy 2008: Deconstructed commences at 3011 Gulden in West Dallas. Musicians and DJs and 150 artists all raising money for the arts-in-education mission of Preservation LINK. I’m feeling overwhelmed, but a journey of […]


Self-portrait by VET

At 6:30 pm on December 6th – that’s Saturday night to you and me – the merriment of Art Conspiracy 2008: Deconstructed commences at 3011 Gulden in West Dallas. Musicians and DJs and 150 artists all raising money for the arts-in-education mission of Preservation LINK. I’m feeling overwhelmed, but a journey of 150 artists continues with a single blog…

Hey everybody! Meet VET, an artist whose work has shown at the MAC, the Bath House Cultural Center, and the outdoor sculpture garden at the State Fair. She taught Adinkra Printmaking at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, and it doesn’t get much cooler than that. We chatted by email.

What are your mediums and what is your creative process?

i worked in mixed media (recycled items specifically)…i usually pull out a few of the items i plan to work with and lay them out in one spot…before i actually manipulate, paint, glue or assemble the artwork, i like to visualize in my mind how the objects relate together and separately…the processing continues as i go about the daily activities…this may take a few hours, a few days or a few weeks…most of my inspirations come to me when i am driving (no radio, cd or cassette passengers)…i usually come up with 3 or 4 ideas, so when i get back to my studio i can experiment to see which are technically doable and which ones are just theory…

What does “guerilla-style” art mean to your work?

guerrilla-style art is about being resourceful… it can be done any place, any time; letting the environment dictate your creative actions…

This year’s theme is “Deconstructed.” What facet of life would you like to deconstruct?

i would love to deconstruct my storage unit…the universe has been very generous to me by providing a constant flow of cool, unique & quirky found objects…the more i recycle the more i receive…

A conspiracy requires two or more persons. Who are your partners in whatever sneaky plot you are devising right now?

conspirarcy…the best part of a conspiracy is secrecy…if i told you… i would have to (you know)…i can tell you, however, it involves renewing , reusing & reinventing…