Guest blogger Lydia Regalado is an arts educator, crafter and blogger who writes about people who gather to make things.
Last year, New York Times reporter Andrew C. Revkin wrote about the international “Buy Nothing Day” advertising campaign. For today’s post, he proposes an alternative: Make Something Day. So how about it? what will you be making for those on your list this year, and what’s behind this decision? Share your ideas and comments below, or on the Art & Seek Flickr page.
If you’ve been following my posts, then you are aware of some of the classes and opportunities that can be found to make/create/do-it-yourself around the metroplex. But if time or skills limit production, your best option is to buy local. Pumping money into our local economy helps our community cultivate a creative spirit and morale. Below is a list of upcoming events that provide an opportunity to find that unique handmade gift for those on your list, as well as support local artists and makers. The following are free and open to the public.
Thursday, December 4th
ArtSpace 111 Holiday Market, Noon to 8 pm.
111 Hampton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Friday, December 5th
Jingle Bells on Bishop, 6-10pm.
Bishop Arts District, Dallas, Texas
Saturday, December 6th
Urban Stret Bazaar,11am to 10pm
Bishop Arts District, Dallas, Texas
Sunday, December 7th
Deck The Halls, noon to 7 pm
South Side on Lamar
1409 South Lamar, Dallas, TX 75215