The Dallas Center for the Performing Arts will announce its Grand Opening dates Tuesday morning at a press gathering at the Belo Mansion in downtown. Normally, that’s a piece of information that could be handled with an e-mail blast. But this nugget from the press release about the announcement caught our attention:
“A world-renowned Tony and Emmy Award-winning actor will make a brief appearance, as an example of the caliber of performers who will take part in the Grand Opening.”
So, the question is: who will that be? It’s a very short list of performers who have won a Tony, Emmy, Grammy and Oscar, but the list gets pretty lengthy when considering Tony/Emmy winners.
Any guesses out there?
I’ll throw one out there: John Lithgow. Why him? Because he’s the first person I could think of who had won those two awards and not won an Oscar. My other guess? David Hyde Pierce. Why him? Because he was the next person I could think of who fit the bill.