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1,000 fly traps, 1 unofficial world record, 1 night only

by Gini Mascorro 8 Mar 2008 10:09 AM

Ah, the siren call of seedy motel rooms.  For anyone who’s ever secretly fantasized about resurrecting one of those tacky little motor courts along 180 between Dallas and Fort Worth and turning it into something special, head to Denton’s Clayton House Motel tonight so artist Christopher Carver can show you how it’s done.  His “You Are Here” installation features over 1,000 fly catcher strips and a bad […]


Ah, the siren call of seedy motel rooms.  For anyone who’s ever secretly fantasized about resurrecting one of those tacky little motor courts along 180 between Dallas and Fort Worth and turning it into something special, head to Denton’s Clayton House Motel tonight so artist Christopher Carver can show you how it’s done.  His “You Are Here” installation features over 1,000 fly catcher strips and a bad coffee and donuts reception – “in true low-rent motel continental breakfast tradition,” as promised by the artist himself.

Room’s on the ground floor, up at the front, and the show starts at 8 p.m.  For more information, click here, or email Christopher at

The rest of Saturday’s new gallery gems after the jump…

‘Primer: An Exhibition Focusing On Entry Level Art Collecting’ at The Public Trust

‘Palace Does Dallas: Sterling Allen, Peat Duggins & Ali Fitzgerald’ at Road Agent

‘And/Or Gallery Show #15: Marisa Olson & Christine Gedeon’ at The And/Or

‘How Else Can I Say This? New Works by Sarah Maxwell English and David Willburn’ at 500X

‘Andrea Rosenberg: New Work’ at the Barry Whistler Gallery

‘Kittrell/Riffkind’s Featured Artist Series 2008’ at Kittrell/Riffkind Art Glass

‘Tracy Hicks: Global Warming’ at the Valley House Gallery & Sculpture Garden

‘Fort Worth Landmarks In The 1950’s: Watercolors by Bror Utter’ at the Amon Carter