“A glitzy building-as-brand, all 13-storey blades of glass and posey curves it seems to think are sexy” — this is “the kind of building that looks as if it’s permanently checking itself in the mirror, seemingly airlifted from Dallas or Phoenix.”
— Tom Dykhoff on Glaxo SmithKline’s Headquarters in West London
It’s relatively rare that a big-time publication will slag a lot of major, local buildings. There’s simply too much money involved, too many developers who will sulk and pull their advertising. Oh, sure, Equire can mock the worst building in the history of the world. But then, it’s safely far away in North Korea.
Prince Charles regularly gripes about modern British architecture, though, particularly when it comes to blocking London views. So perhaps that keeps the atmosphere much more charged Over There. Here is Tom Dykhoff’s snarky list (plus slideshow) of the Ugliest Buildings in England.
Actually, the Times does a lot on architecture, much of it jazzed up for the web with videos and slideshows. Check out, for instance, the world’s most ambitious building projects.