The Islamic Art Revival Series (IARS) is a series of events focused on sharing and rediscovering the forgotten beauty and grandeur that is strikingly evident in the masterpieces of Islamic art from...
Islamic Art Revival Series
The Islamic Art Revival Series (IARS) is a series of events focused on sharing and rediscovering the forgotten beauty and grandeur that is strikingly evident in the masterpieces of Islamic art from around the globe. Started by a cross-cultural coalition of students, small business owners and local nonprofits, IARS explores how the patterns that first emerged centuries ago influence art and architecture in today's world. Events will stress art education and cultural exchange across a variety of mediums.
IARS builds
bridges using the universal beauty of Islamic Art as a connector and translator
across generations and cultures - from heart to heart through time.
IARS is a program of
the Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation (TMWF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
founded in 2005 whose mission is to empower, promote and support women and
families through Educational, Outreach, Philanthropic, and Social Services.