Ballet Concerto is a non-profit civic organization, chartered in 1969 with the specific purpose of presenting the art of ballet and other forms of dance to audiences of all ages and socio-economic...
Ballet Concerto
Ballet Concerto is a non-profit civic organization, chartered in 1969 with the specific purpose of presenting the art of ballet and other forms of dance to audiences of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. Ballet Concerto is dedicated to continuing this tradition by providing on outlet for talented young dancers. It offers employment to professional dancers, gives young choreographers opportunity to choreograph, and engages internationally renowned dancers and choreographers for its performances.
The company has an emphasis on dance education and community outreach through its programs: FIND (Find Identify New Dancers) is a program that runs throughout the school year for low income schools. Free ballet lessons and shoes are offered weekly to 4th and 5th graders.
LECTURE DEMONSTRATIONS - outreach to mainly low income schools. Students learn terminology and try dance steps, witness a brief demonstration of dance steps, watch excerpts from ballets.
HOLIDAY SPECIAL - a December holiday program at Will Rogers Auditorium free to about 6,000 Fort Worth Independent School district students. The general community pays a nominal ticket price.
SUMMER DANCE CONCERT - presented in June, outdoors at Trinity Park Pavilion in Fort Worth, TX. The program is a combination of ballet and flamenco. Dancers and choreographers are both professional and emerging.
SUMMER INTENSIVE DANCE WORKSHOPS and CAMPS offered in June for ages 3 - professional. Visit the website or call 817-738-7915 for tuition information.