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Memoirs of Self Love: Artist Reception

Metropolitan ArtSpace

Nneka Osueke is returning to her hometown of Dallas, TX for her first art show of the year.

The Metropolitian Press, Inc. presents

Nneka Osueke: Memoirs of Self Love
Artist Reception: August 10th, 6pm-9pm
Exhibiting from August 7-25, 2017

Join us at Metropolitan Press, Inc while we vibe to 90's tunes and browse the latest collection of work form Nneka Osueke.
Food from Spiral Diner and Bakery and traditional Nigeria cuisine of jellof rice, moin moin, and suya will be available.Nneka Osueke's work is a direct conversation of the matter's of her heart. With uses of surrealism, abstraction and sculpture, she lures out the unconscious, toying with that which reveals and hides itself in, cycles through, torments, and frees the human psyche. Each piece also speaks to the notion of exploring both extremes of multiple spectrums, such as the pride of having a rich culture and the struggle in upholding it's values, understanding the genetic and spiritual advantages of her race, yet facing the dilemma of empowering it, and handling society's praise and marvel of a brilliant mind, yet feeling solitary and out of place for having such ananomaly of thought."I like this idea of painting the subject in each piece in realistic form while leaving the background in a surreal, abstract state, forcing it to surrender its status quo of time, space, and reality. It gives that character a chance to create, recreate, tear down, build up, or alter their surroundings which speaks to my musings of manifestation, the third eye, ascension, tapping into one's God nature, and soul communication through vibrations. I want the viewer to feel that character's energy. Also, I believe that we're reinventions of an ancient soul somewhere in the history of time, and we already know many ideas we think we don't know-what we call the unconscious. I want to evoke that information. I want to make something in the viewer nag them into searching for their Truth."
We can't wait to see you there!

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1250 Majesty Drive · Dallas, TX 75247