Arguably the world’s foremost expert on piloting the “Blackbird,” Colonel Richard Graham details, as no one else can, what an SR-71 mission entails – from donning a pressure suit to returning to base.
The Frontiers of Flight will host Col. Graham's public presentation and signing of his latest SR-71 book Available in the Frontiers of Flight Museum Store Saturday, Feb 27, 2 pm. Open to all visitors.
Col. Graham will discuss his experiences flying the world’s fastest aircraft, the SR-71 “Blackbird.” Flying at the edge of space, 3.2 times faster than the speed of sound, the Blackbird could fly coast to coast in only 67 minutes. Col. Graham will be on hand to autograph his latest book,“The Complete Book of the SR-71 Blackbird“ following his presentation.
The Frontiers of Flight Museum is the proud home to the only USAF SR-71 flight simulator ever built.
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- (214) 350-3600