“The Pump and Dump: A Parentally Incorrect Comedy Show and Night Out, For Once” is a raucous evening of comedy and music, designed for parents to laugh away a kid-filled day while throwing a few back and remembering who we all were before we had children.
Comedian/musician Shayna Ferm and her sidekick, MC Doula (aka Tracey Tee), host this highly irreverent, cult-hit show full of comedy, games, prizes, drinking, swearing and parental commiseration. Live musical performances are spread throughout the evening with songs like “Eat Your F-ing Food,” and “When I Die, I Want to Come Back as a Dad.” Audience participation includes “Stump the Breeder” and “The Most F-ed Up Thing Your Kid Did This Week.” Conceived (pun intended) in Denver, Colorado in 2012, this show will make you laugh your c-section scar open.
Shayna and Tracey are currently on their 2015 national tour of the Pump and Dump show. They are also twice-monthly contributors to TheBump.com, and have been featured in Parents Magazine, HuffPost Parents and Scary Mommy. For more information, visit www.thepumpanddumpshow.com.
- $20-$320