KERA Arts Story Search

Past Events

Finn Murphy and The Long Haul

Allen Public Library

Known by his trucker handle “U-Turn,” Finn Murphy has moved household goods across the country for 30 years.  This affords him a unique window into the souls of his clients. 

Some customers yell “Be careful!” repeatedly, as if their harsh admonitions are going to alter his course of action.  Other clients leave the house and do not return until he has all their items on the truck.  Some customers offer lunch while others do not provide a meal even though the nearest drive-through is fifteen miles away.

Murphy is also the author of THE LONG HAUL: A Trucker’s Tale of Life on the Road.  A review in The New York Times described his book as “almost shamefully enjoyable.” Murphy will speak at the Allen Public Library 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct.13, which will also be web-cast live on  

During the day, Finn is loading furniture onto a truck, but in the evening, he might be reading Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park or Cormac McCarthy’s Outer Dark in a dilapidated motel room.   With his diverse interests and experiences, Finn offers a nuanced assessment of the American experience in his thought-provoking book. 

“I’ve driven my rig all around Texas over and over and seen the signs for Allen many times,” Murphy points out. “I’m really looking forward to actually stopping in Allen for a few days rather than passing through on my way to somewhere else. See you in October.”

Sponsored by ALLen Reads, this program is free.  The library is located at 300 N. Allen Dr.  Call 214-509-4911 for additional information. 

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